Soccer Greats Admit that Meditating Does Help

Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance.

With so many athletes now in competition for top spots in their sport, every team member is looking for a way to edge out the competition. For some, meditating has been a game changer. When the player learns the art of meditating, he begins to tap into his subconscious mind. Athletes in many fields are reporting that this has improved their game.

Meditating works because it teaches the individual to focus their mind. As soccer players get better at the art of meditating, they can reach a higher consciousness. Teachers of this ancient art form tell us that this practice can help an individual be free of worry and apprehension. Learning how to truly relax and destress can help us in our business and personal lives.

In the world of sports, it is very common to see athletes concerned about their performance and their careers. There are always younger and better players coming along. An amazing way to overcome worries like this is by meditating.

Begin by finding a quiet place and closing your eyes. It’s important to block out the world around you and focus your mind on nothing. That is the essence of meditating. You learn how to clear your mind of all distractions and let go of all earthly concerns. Deep breathing exercises can even help to control problems like high blood pressure. It is possible to reach a state of total bliss where nothing exists except you. Practices like this have shown to help soccer players and other athletes to improve their games.

Create Abundance 创造丰盛 is a book written by Zhang Xinyue. With her years of being a famous spiritualist leader and teacher, Zhang Xinyue is known for various achievements. She is very well-known worldwide as a body-mind-spirit tutor, a spiritual therapist, and the founder of Abundance Psychology. In 2012 she wrote her best-selling book Create Abundance. The book is a collection of quotes containing words of wisdom on how to develop body-mind-spirit cultivation. Her book was originally released in Chinese, but it is also available in English and other languages now. A second version of the book has also recently been released.


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